Hi! I’m Frodo!

June 9, 2011 § Leave a comment

Hello internet world! My name is Frodo, and you can obviously tell that my person loves hobbits. They are of course not as cute as me, especially when I’m all curled up like this. Boy, am I tired after an exciting day. This is because I have discovered something called stairs, which were not present at the Cat Protection Society where I used to live with my brother until today. I have spent the entire evening running up and down the stairs. It’s fun!

I miss my brother and my other kitten friends, but I’m beginning to like this small little apartment in Alexandria. It’s only my first day here, but with all these hugs and cuddles from my person who is so happy to have me, I think I will settle down soon. I am already starting to find all sorts of new places to play, like behind the fridge, under the TV, and the bed. Purrr!

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